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Spa & Wellness

Find your heightened state of consciousness in our comprehensive spa & wellness. From our locally inspired massage treatments through to globally acclaimed treatment partners, our spa proposes a variety of immersive and rejuvenating treatments.


We provides the exclusive spa experience with treatments created by harmoniously blending the best oriental techniques and Vietnam herbal secrets. Every special treatment of our extraordinary spa brings you the best experiences and sensations that you have never enjoyed before.




Relax in harmony and purity at Arcady Boutique Cruise’s Spa! You can enjoy superior service in the privacy of your own treatment room. We have developed our highly skilled Spa Therapists who will leave you feeling totally relaxed and free to recover your inner self with our delicate scent of aromatherapy oil and subtle herbs.


Every journey starts with a signature tea and a herbal foot ritual. This is a part of Arcady Boutique Cruise’s Spa to demonstrate oriental culture and we offer an extensive range of innovative treatments which ensure an exceptional spa experience tailored to suit your individual desires.

Please contact us to book in advance to get special offer via INFO@ARCADYCRUISECRUISE.COM Or contact our cruise manager/ Reception while you are on board.