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Arcady Cruises will bring you the experience of an authentic Ha Long, is also a place where you can completely spend time with your family and friends, to temporary forget the busy life and renew the positive emotions in you.

Price from: 25$ per person

There are many ways to get from other destinations in Vietnam to Halong Bay. Here is some comprehensive guides on transportation for your reference

Price from: 15$ per person

We provides the exclusive spa experience with treatments created by harmoniously blending the best oriental techniques and Vietnam herbal secrets. Every special treatment of our extraordinary spa brings you the best experiences and sensations that you have never enjoyed before.

Package Inclusive

Wishing customers to feel the taste of the food with all senses, every dish at Arcady’s restaurant is carefully cared for by the chef team of Arcady Cruise. They have dedicated themselves to their works, creating superior food works to bring diners the most quintessential flavors of Ha Long Bay.